Monday, September 12, 2011

Swiss Chocolate Strawberry Shortcake.

=> This ain't going to be some fancy schmancy blog, with fancy schmancy pictures of fancy schmancy food. This is simply going to be a blog about the day to day ness of (insert address here). More pointedly, about the food that we've been able to whip up (and not die from eating... yet).

=> Item number one: Swiss Chocolate Strawberry Shortcake

$1 Swiss chocolate cake mix
$2.5 package of strawberries
$1-2 carton of whipping cream

Super moist, super yummy! Yes, that's a mint chocolate candle burning in the background from Bath & Body.
Make sure the has fully cooled before cutting in half for layers and adding the cream.
The strawberries, we julienned them but you can honestly do whatever and it'll still taste the same.
In terms of the whipping cream, yes you can just whip the cream and use it; however since this cake was actually leftovers from chocolate strawberry cupcakes brought to a potluck, the "icing" has a few added ingredients. If I recall, the recipe called for 1 cup whipping cream, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon gelatin, and 1 tablespoon sugar. The only thing to note is that you should sprinkle the gelatin to prevent it from chunking.
We layered our cake as cake, cream, strawberries, cake, cream, strawberries (as decorations on top).

Enjoy and remember...

You don't need to be Marie Antoinette to eat cake!

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